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Sketching Spring Flowers
Welcome (2:39)
Lesson One
Tools & Materials Demo (3:44)
Downloadable Materials List
Lesson Two
Reference Photos (1:57)
Lesson Three
Painting Swatches Demo (10:43)
Painting Swatches Final Sketch
Lesson Four: Crocuses
Drawing our Crocuses Demo (7:29)
Painting our Crocuses Demo (13:11)
Painting our Background and Darks Demo (12:58)
Details and Shadows on our Crocuses Demo (5:24)
Final Crocus Sketch
Lesson Five: Hyacinths
Drawing our Hyacinths (10:14)
Painting our Blooms and Foliage (12:44)
Painting the Background (7:43)
Painting the Darks (11:38)
Final Details in our Hyacinths (7:22)
Final Hyacinths Sketch
Lesson Six: Tulips
Drawing the Tulips (10:59)
Painting the Tulip Blooms (10:13)
Painting our Background and Foliage (11:31)
Giving our Blooms Volume (8:21)
Giving our Foliage Depth (7:06)
Final Details in our Tulips (10:05)
Final Tulip Sketch
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