Sketching Techniques with Pens & Inks
A Shari Blaukopf Online
Sketching Course
Harness the pure power of ink
When I first discovered the world of urban sketching, I rushed out and bought a tiny sketchbook and a Pilot Fineliner pen. This was after a long break from drawing, so I remember well the excitement of laying down that first line. The stark white surface. The intensely black ink. The tactile thrill of dragging a tiny nib across textured paper. And then, that meditative “zone,” as I gradually got lost in the act of drawing.
I carried those simple drawing tools everywhere. It didn’t take long to fill my sketchbook and wear out the pen. So I replaced them. The sketchbooks got bigger and the pens multiplied. I found myself lingering in art stores, trying out pens, testing ink colours…taking some home.
Today, I have well over a hundred filled sketchbooks on my shelves, and more pens than I can count. But the thrill of that first black line on crisp white paper is just as strong. Because I never know where that pen line will take me…as I enter the zone.
Has this ever happened to you? You've spent a long time on an ink drawing. But only as your first watercolour wash hits the paper do you realize — the ink isn’t waterproof! This has certainly happened to me — more than once.
That’s partly why we’ll spend the first part of this course surveying various pens and inks — both permanent and water-soluble. To find out which ones are best suited to your sketching needs. And to simply try them out. I encourage you to test your tools, try them in various combinations. In the process, you’ll discover more of their expressive possibilities, and avoid any mishaps.
Water-soluble fountain pen
Diluted India ink
Coloured water-soluble ink
Now let's power up our lines
Of course, this course is more than a showcase for pens and inks. It’s about how to use pens and inks. How to fit a drawing on a page. How to figure out those critical perspective lines. How to decide what to leave out. How to use hatching and cross-hatching to build up tone in shadowed areas.
We’ll start small, using pencil. That’s so we can work out proportion and scale before adding ink. And, as we build our pen and ink skills, we’ll test out various pens, as well as permanent and water-soluble inks, to see the variety of effects you can achieve. Then, in our final project, we’ll combine all our skills to draw a vibrant street scene in ink and watercolour.
Here’s what you’ll practice and learn in this course:
- How to choose the right pens, inks and paper for your sketches
- Essential line techniques using a variety of pen nibs
- How to plan your drawings using proportion and scale
- Perspective tips for sketching on location and capturing urban scenes with ease
- Injecting character and personality into your drawings
- Adding depth and contrast to make your sketches pop
- Conveying texture on brick, stone and architectural details
- Essential techniques for confident figure drawing
Sketching Techniques with Pens & Inks includes:
- Hands-on practice exercises using a variety of pens and inks
- 6 full-length step-by-step video demos you can watch at your own pace, as often as you like
- Closeup views of my pen and paper so you can see how marks are applied
- Downloadable reference images, so you can draw and paint along
- A detailed list of materials, along with my video show-and-tell of tools and materials
- A comments section where you can ask questions and post your finished ink sketches
NEW: And, since so many of you have been asking for it, we've just added English subtitles!
Love to sketch and want to power up your skills with pens and inks?
This course is for you!
Course Length: 4 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Some of what we’ll cover:
We'll get started with a deep dive into pens and inks
Then, we'll work on sharpening your drawing skills with line work and hatching to create depth and texture
Finally, we'll bring your drawings to life by combining water-soluble inks and watercolour
Course Curriculum
- People Sketching Reference Photos Demo (5:38)
- People Sketching Reference Photos Downloads
- People Sketching Standing Man Drawing Demo (9:56)
- People Sketching Standing Man Ink Wash Demo (9:44)
- Standing Man Final Sketch
- People Sketching Seated Man Drawing Demo (13:50)
- People Sketching Seated Man Ink Wash Demo (7:40)
- Seated Man Final Sketch
How long is this course?
It’s over 4 hours in duration, and includes SIX full-length demos plus practice exercises so you can strengthen your drawing skills and your familiarity with pens and inks.
How long will I have access to this course?
Once you sign up, the course is yours to watch as often as you like.
Who is this course for?
This is a course that any sketcher with basic drawing and watercolour skills can follow. We cover all the steps, including pencil drawing and ink sketching.
What tools will I need?
We’ll cover sketching tools in some detail at the start of the course, and you can download a list of materials.
Will I have access to all the lessons at once?
Yes, once you register you’ll have access to all the lessons so you can start learning, drawing and painting immediately.
How do I find the courses I am enrolled in?
Go to the top of the page and look for the "My Courses" tab. All the courses you have registered for are right there.